Vital Certificates UAE Blog

Vital Certificates UAE | Blog

Welcome to our blog, where our team of experts share the best news, opinions and analysis around document legalisation. We aim to inform as well as entertain you, while keeping you up to date with the latest in global relocation. We hope you enjoy it!


The Year of the Pig

February 5th, 2019 was the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, which this year marks the beginning of the Year of the Pig. Whilst celebrations started on the 5th, there isn’t actually a set date as the Chinese New Year, very much like the Islamic New Year is based on the lunar calendar.

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Problems having a document Attested?

There are many people who are unaware of attestation & it’s need until it is absolutely necessary and by then, they’re usually on a very tight deadline.  Find out what you need to know to get a document attested here!


Attestation for Recruiters

If you’re a recruiter you might screen hundreds, if not thousands, of resumes before you find the right candidate. But what happens when you realize your chosen candidate needs to get their documents attested? Find out more here.

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What is Attestation?

Legalisation (Or Attestation as it is more commonly known in the UAE) is the process of authenticating a document from one country to the required level so that the UAE government will be happy to accept that it is genuine. Want to know how the process works? Read on to find out!